Revascularization medicaments of the traumatized immature permanent incisor- A case report
Dental trauma to teeth in children often causes apical periodontitis and pulp necrosis in immature permanent teeth. Subsequently, it may lead to cessation of dentinal wall thickening and complete root development. This case report presents a revascularization therapy of the traumatized permanent upper left central incisor tooth in an 8-year-old boy. The tooth had suffered the traumatic injury about two months prior the first consultation that cause pulp necrosis and impede root development. Revascularization therapy was done onto his traumatized tooth. A sterile sodium chloride or normal saline was used solely as a canal disinfectant material and double antibiotic paste (DAP) as an intracanal medicament. Good radiographic and clinical outcomes were observed during the 12 months review since the beginning of the revascularization therapy. Considering the continuous root development and apical closed, it can be concluded that the sterile normal saline disinfectant and DAP as intracanal medicament serves a promising good outcome in an asymptomatic and immature necrotic permanent tooth.
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